Cyprus Blockchain Technologies (CyBT) Ltd. (Registration No. HE 370962) is a not-for-profit, independent ThinkTank. Its primary aim is to bring together individuals and entities involved in blockchain across various sectors and industries in Cyprus. This inclusive approach encompasses academic, financial, auditing, management, consulting, technology, as well as associations, companies, and individuals sharing similar interests.

The inception of Cyprus Blockchain Technologies dates back to early 2017, with its founding members including the UCL Centre for Blockchain Technologies, the Cyprus International Institute of Management (CIIM), the Bank of Cyprus, and the Hellenic Bank. More recently, the Think-and-Do Tank merged with the Cyprus Blockchain Association, solidifying its position as Cyprus’ leading think tank in the blockchain domain.

The core mission of this organization revolves around promoting technologies that foster connections between industries, the public sector, and academia. It achieves this by integrating various stakeholders through a transparent and foundational structure, guided by appropriate standards.

Blockchain technology serves as a solid foundation for this mission due to its inherent decentralization and encryption. Blockchain has given rise to new ecosystems that often transcend national regulations. This impartiality naturally encourages international collaboration, as evidenced by global initiatives aimed at standardization and regulation within this emerging technological realm. It has also led to advancements in the legal recognition and application of smart contracts.