A team of Cypriot academics from the fields of Physics and Computer Science founded Lab4Crypto about a year and a half ago. This innovative company aims to maximize the portfolio value for both institutional and private investors.

Lab4Crypto has developed a cutting-edge platform that simplifies advanced data analysis for over 20 cryptocurrencies. This platform, which launched in January 2024, already boasts 650 registered users. Speaking with ThemaOnline, Lab4Crypto’s founder and CEO, Dr. Theodoros Christodoulou, highlighted the platform’s inclusive nature. “Lab4Crypto is designed for everyone, regardless of their crypto experience. Our goal is to educate people about cryptocurrencies, as we believe they are the future,” he emphasized.

In addition to educational content, the platform offers some of the most advanced tools available in the market to help investors make informed decisions and maximize their portfolio returns.

Source: https://www.tothemaonline.com